Social Stream for WordPress – Add Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Feed to WordPress Website v4.9.5
Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- Facebook: any public PAGE with public posts, public albums.
- Twitter: home timeline, user feed, search * including hashtags, user lists, likes feed.
- Instagram: public user photos, by username, by hashtag, by location. 4th April API changes are currently supported but this is subject to changes due to rapid changes on Instagram side.
- YouTube: user, channels, search, public playlist.
- Google+: any public profile.
- Pinterest: public user or board.
- SoundCloud: public playlists.
- LinkedIn: company updates and jobs (since recent API changes you must be admin of company page to stream it).
- Foursquare: location tips, location photos.
- Flickr: public user photos, photos by tag.
- Dribbble: public posts of user, likes of user.
- WordPress: blog posts, comments, custom post types, posts of specific categories, comments of specific post.
- (only own site, others blogs can be streamed using RSS feeds)
- Tumblr: photo posts (will be more types in future).
- Vimeo: public videos of user, album, channel and like feed of user.
- RSS: any valid RSS feed. ATOM format is not supported.