Highlighter Pro – A Medium.com-Inspired Text Highlighting and Inline Commenting Tool for WordPress v1.2
Choose Your Desired Option(s)
Choose which highlights display for each post, whether it’s just the top highlight, all highlights owned by the current user, or all highlights for all users on the post. Choose how you want the highlighter labels to display, which side of the content you want them on, and many other style/placement options. Built for simultaneous use. Highlighter Pro was designed to handle large crowds. If a reader highlights some text on a post, every other reader viewing that post will see that highlight appear before they can add theirs. Complex highlights? Check. If a reader wants to highlight some text that overlaps an existing highlight, no problem! Or if a reader highlights a selection that spans multiple paragraphs which have nested highlights, that works too. What about touch screens? Highlighter Pro works just as well on mobile devices as desktops. Whether it’s pointing and clicking with a mouse, or touching and dragging with your finger, highlighting is seamless.