Live Events WordPress Plugin v1.34
Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- The colors and the typography used in the layout of the event can be customized in the plugin options
- The various social icons can be displayed or hidden based on the preference of the website administrator
- The information displayed in the live events are updated in real time with a JavaScript timer
- The number of AJAX requests sent to the server can be configured based on the specific preference of the website administrator
- The WordPress Transient API is used to cache the data of the live events and decrease the server load
- All the data of the events displayed in the front-end should be manually added in the back-end (the data are not retrieved automatically from external providers)
- The WordPress capabilities required to get access on the various menus of the plugin can be defined in the plugin options
- Programmed with OOP techniques
- Commented code
- Includes a complete manual with related video tutorials
- WordPress 4.5 and later versions are supported
- PHP 5.3 and later versions are supported