Live News – Real Time News Ticker v2.16
Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- WordPress 4.0 and later versions are supported
- PHP 5.2.4 and later versions are supported
- The information displayed in the news ticker are updated in real time with a JavaScript timer
- The number of AJAX requests sent to the server can be configured based on the specific preference of the website administrator
- The WordPress Transient API is used to cache the data of the news ticker and decrease the server load
- With mobile devices the news ticker can be displayed or not based on an option
- The news tickers can be applied to the entire website or only on specific URLs
- Multiple news tickers can be created if needed (for example one for the homepage, one for the products page, etc.)
- The news ticker has a fixed position on the bottom of the screen and can’t be moved
- The sliding speed can be configured with an option
- The number of displayed news can be configured with an option
- The clock can be displayed or not based on an option
- The title of the featured news and the sliding news can be linked to specific URLs if needed
- The RTL layout for Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc. websites can be enabled with an option
- To retrieve tweets from a Twitter account the creation of a Twitter App and the deployment of the plugin on a real web server are necessary conditions
- Not all the RSS feeds are appropriate as a source for the news ticker (the title, description and link tags of the XML source should include the proper data)
- Programmed with OOP techniques
- Commented code
- Includes a complete manual with related video tutorials