TopNews – News Magazine Newspaper Blog Viral & Buzz WordPress Theme v3.3.9
Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- Lots of home page layout
- Three different types of header variation
- Six different menu style
- Ready and easy to use mega menu
- Custom YouTube & Vimeo video link option for every post
- YouTube & Vimeo video playlist shortcode
- Three types of slider
- 6+ Different types of blog layouts/li>
- Different layout option for every single category
- Without image layout
- Boxed and full width layouts
- Use Google fonts easily from theme panel
- Pick your favourate color from theme panel to decorate site
- Different font changing option for Title and Menu
- Drag and Drop page builder
- Lots of recent news block
- Multiple category and tag option to disply recent news
- 5 different sidebar layouts
- Unlimited sidebar creation option
- Option to select different sidebar for every pages