Choose Your Desired Option(s)
- heading: Enter text heading of timeline
- style: Choose style for timeline, there are four style: simple, simple border, Simple border no arrow, Background image( Default: simple)
- post_type: Enter name of posttype ( Defaults: post)
- count: Enter number items of timeline ( Defaults: 6)
- posts_per_page: Enter number items per page
- ids: Enter list of ID, separated by a comma
- exclude: Enter list of ID exclude, separated by a comma
- start_date: Enter Start date, Date to retrieve posts after
- end_date: Enter End date, Date to retrieve posts before
- cat: List of cat ID (or slug), separated by a comma
- tag: list of tags, separated by a comma
- taxonomy: Enter slug of custom taxonomy
- order: Choose order for timeline, Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘orderby’ parameter. (Defaults ‘DESC’)
- orderby: Choose orderby for timeline, Sort retrieved posts by parameter. (Defaults to ‘date (post_date))
- meta_key: Enter custom field key, Show posts associated with a certain custom field
- hide_thumb: Choose “Yes” or “No” to show or hide Feature Image (Note: Hire thumb doesnot work with Background image Style)
- hide_share: Choose “Yes” or “No” to show or hide Sharing button
- time_since: Choose “Yes” to replace the date with “time ago”